InterNACHI® Certified Professional Inspector®
InterNACHI® Certified Professional Inspector®
What is a home inspection?
What is a home inspection?
A home inspection is a visual examination of the home's major structure, systems and components that are visible and safely accessible. The inspector should substantially adhere to a standards of practice that outlines what should be covered during a general home inspection, as well as what is excluded. The inspector should provide you with a written report, which may include photos and/or recommendations, of his or her findings of the inspection.

Why should you consider a home inspection?
Why should you consider a home inspection?
Ensure the home you buy is a good investment
Ensure the home you buy is a good investment
Home inspections provide an opportunity for a buyer to identify any major issues with a home before closing. The first clue that a home inspection is important is that it can be used as a contingency in a contract with the seller. This contingency provides that if a home inspection reveals significant defects, a prospective buyer typically can back out of the purchase offer, free of penalty, within a specific timeframe.
A home is likely the biggest purchase you will make
A home is likely the biggest purchase you will make
It's important to understand the condition of your investment. A non-invasive examination will be provided of the home’s accessible structure, systems and components. While a home inspection is not a prediction of future conditions, and cannot reveal every concern that exists (or ever could exist), it will significantly reduce anxiety by arming the buyer with the knowledge needed to make an informed home-buying decision.
Understand maintenance costs before purchase
Understand maintenance costs before purchase
A home requires ongoing maintenance and this will require money. Things wear out and break. When putting together a budget for buying a home, it will depend on the home’s condition. A newer home is less likely to need maintenance than an older home. The summary page will highlight conditions found in the home as follows:
- Minor Concern (Maintenance & Information)
- Moderate Concern (Attention Recommended)
- Major Concern (Critical / Important)
Ensure that your home will be a safe place to live
Ensure that your home will be a safe place to live
Safety issues such as electrical wiring, plumbing, HVAC systems, broken windows, etc. is the second most important item to look at during a home inspection. (Structure and foundation are No. 1) If safety issues are discovered during a home inspection, a buyer could go back to the seller (via a repair request), and ask for either 1) the safety hazards to be fixed or 2) receive an appropriate credit towards the home price if the item will not be fixed by the seller.